
This story revolves around a girl, Eshaal, she lost her family at an early age and lives with her relative. She is disturbed by many crises in her life but she is a very hopeful girl. She always looks for the support and love in her life which always lacks. A day before her wedding, the groom gone missing and she has to marry a boy which she doesn’t want to get married to. But eventually after her marriage with the guy she accepts her new life and wants to carry every new relation in her life. Now how she is able to manage all her problems in life. Director:Imran Baig Writter:Ramis Tanveer Cast:Hina Altaf, Asad Siddiqui, Faizan Khuwaja, Ghulam Mohiuddin, Sonia Nazeer, Qindeel Jafri

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