Nawabzadiyan is a story of three sisters who are brought up as a single parent children. This family drama revolves around their love life, leading to their respective marriages. All three of them are different in nature from each other the eldest one is tough and stubborn, second is a dreamy girl who always lives in her dream, meanwhile the youngest one is everyone’s favorite. Produced By: Plan B Media Group Directed By: Raja Shahid Ali Written By: Hassaan Imam Cast: Rizwan Jafry, Fazaila Lashari, Adnan Sahh Tipu, Hajira Khan, Fawwad Jalal, Maira Khan, Yasir Shoro, Parveen Akber, Afshan Qureshi, Manzoor Qureshi, Mehak Ali, Abdullah Badini, Sitara Malik, Shareef Baloch, Nadia, Nasreen Jhon, Ashiq Pathan, Mukhtar Hussain
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